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Centralized Contractor and Crew Connections.


Labor Central brings the roofing community together all in one app.

Eric Carlisle, a co-founder of Labor Central, has years of experience in tech, design, marketing, and advertising. He’s been a long-time AEC worker, cultivating his knowledge of construction and architecture. His vast skills in these areas made him a perfect candidate for developing the Labor Central app. In an episode of Roofing Road Trips, Heidi J. Ellsworth asks Eric how the company began and how contractors and companies feel about the app.

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The Labor Central app connects you to the whole roofing industry in one digital location. You can easily sign up either as a contractor or a crew, and once you create a profile, you can search for roofing contractors in your area. From there, fill out some basic information about your company and begin linking up with others.

“Once you fill out a profile, you have two options,” Eric says. “We call it instant search or easy search. Click the Find Crews button, and add simple location and roof type criteria that you're looking for and you get a full listing of crews near you”

Feedback for the app has been astoundingly positive. “It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread,” jokes Eric. Feedback between companies and contractors on the app has been even better. Much like you can rate your Uber or delivery driver, app users can rate one another. This incentivizes improvement over the entire roofing industry.

Heidi notes this incentive, “if I go in and enter all my information on my crew and I have a rating that isn't matching the crews that are getting top dollars, I'm going to do something to change that.”

Another key highlight is that this app will help grow the industry in terms of recruitment. “Everybody understands how to work a phone and how to work the app, it makes the entry barrier so much lower and easier to get in,” Eric says. Because technology like this is so commonly used in our world, the familiarity of a mobile app is attractive to many potential industry professionals.

Labor Central is stepping up the quality of the whole roofing industry with its innovative app. If you’re looking for reliable work, investigate the Labor Central app. It will be a worthwhile investment for you and your team!

Listen to the full podcast to learn more about the Labor Central App.

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