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Why Should Roofers Use Tech?


Updated: Jul 20, 2021

Get more time back to focus on growing your business.

Roofing contractors get busier than one-arm paper hangers, not to mention on a roof or in the field most of the day making it pretty hard to stay on top of daily business. From project details, managing sub-contractors or even finding crews to support a busy, growing season, with tech apps like Labor Central, offers the most simple, centralized management, recruiting, contracting, documenting, and paying service in the industry.

Many apps on the market are great for measuring, or construction details even accounting and proposals are all tied in and are fantastic. They also come at a price, a huge learning curve, require additional spreadsheets or consultants to help set it up.

Labor Central is focused on the one thing EVERY contractor deals with daily – labor resources, managing and paying crews, documenting and recording details for reference along the way.

What you get with Labor Central.

Creating better project details for crews to bid accurately. By creating a project sheet that remains simple and easy to fill out, each project you set up for bid becomes more fluid and easily responded to by your crews, or crews you may be recruiting. The details at project initiation are critical for many reasons. Evaluating bids that come in to easily review costs as well as crew understanding of the project. Additionally, it provides an even playing field to get apple to apple comparisons and a faster job starts as expectations are set at the beginning.

Locating crews or subcontractors can be difficult.

If you don’t have relationships to rely on, and you don’t know who you can trust to get the job done Labor Central provides a wide net to preview and screen bids as they come in. Searching the internet for subs can be frustrating since you don’t know what their work is like or if they’re even still in business. Labor Central helps you quickly weed out (pre-qualify) those subs who are not qualified by size, scope or capabilities.

Better Crew Communication and Documentation It starts at the project sheet. The level of details required to fill out the project information sheet provides the best possible launching point for communication. It helps reduce the questions, calls, or text messages and allows a simple and documented response so you can move quicker. (How many weekends do you spend returning calls when you really want to be on the lake, with family - ON VACATION?)

Labor Central provides that single spot to locate and find project information, crew details, messages, and documents. It also helps the day-to-day messaging in one space with images as they need to be reviewed.

Did we mention - You can pay crews easily right in the app? YES - Labor Central goes beyond just good documentation and communication, let's do good business with crews and pay them simply via the timesheets or lump sum mode. Your crews can submit daily or weekly timesheets for you to review, approve, them click a button, and boom, paid with a credit card even. Can you say reward points and extend your credit line?

Access 24/7 and Secure As much as we all like to think your IT company or staff may have it handled - it's always a good practice to know that where you store your data is critical. With Labor CEntral it is cloud-based, backed up, and stored for you securely. Unlike those text messages or floating emails that may get copied or sent to the wrong team.

Labor Central provides access to projects using a desktop, mac or pc, smartphone and tablet devices, no special servers, hardware, or installation of software.

Roofing is a tough business. Find the tools and devices to make your life easier. Check out for more details.

Even better! Schedule a quick demo here.

Labor Central. Helping you manage, document, and produce better roofing!


Labor Central® 2021


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